TKS Agri has together with Kuhn in France and the dealer Ets Bousquie, delivered a fully automated feeding and bedding system.

The fully automated system is in a sheep-barn of about 800 animals, where the animals produce milk for the production of Rouquefort cheese. The falicity is located in the L'Aubrac region near Rodez.

The system is built up by :

  • 1 x TKS K2 EasyFeed with Multifill control.
  • 1 x stationary K2 CombiCutter with Magazine R2 and autofilling.
  • 3 x TKS Conveyor belts with different lengths, transporting the feed and straw material up and into the EasyFeed.
  • 2 x FeedHoppers from ALTEC (a french supplier), both controlled by the TKS software.
  • All filling sources have weighting cells. 
  • The filling sources are loaded with dry hay from a telescopic crane.
  • K2 CombiCutter is filled with straw blocks, which is used for bedding material.
  • The K2 EasyFeed has optional cross conveyor, 1m extension for more volume, and concentrate tanks.