Wheel-driven autonomous robot
Now we have taken a big step ahead, and are introducing a wheel-driven autonomous robot, the FeedCarrier, which can drive and navigate without traditional rail-systems. This system will also be connected to several advanced datahandling and datacollection systems. All in order to give the farmer the tools to make the most out of the available resources at the farm.
The FeedCarrier is programmed to collect the specific feed rations at a FeedKitchen. A FeedKitchen will be tailormade to the specific needs at each farm. Here all the ingredients will be mixed together and then filled into the FeedCarrier, which distributes the ration to the right group of animals. The farmer decides the mix, the amount and when distribution should be performed. Multiple groups of animals can get individual recipies, served at at preset timetable.
The FeedCarrier has 4WD and also 4-wheel steering for the best possible manoeuvrability, in most barn solutions.
Field testing will start 2023, in a barn with 120 animals.